At Furget Me Not Pet Cremations, we understand that your pet is part of your family. That’s why we have brought to Perthshire a private and bespoke pet cremation service that is APHA approved. If you choose to trust us with your loved family pet you can be assured the best after-life care will be respectfully and compassionately delivered. We pledge that your pet will be individually cremated and it will be solely your pet returned to you.

Furget Me Not Pet Cremations is a partnership between two long-term friends, Jan and Carol. They know the devastation loss incurs and feel passionate that the same care and compassion should be afforded upon family pets. Both come from a nursing background and have vast experience with bereavement services having worked together for many years in the funeral profession. They are qualified ICCM Crematorium Technicians with a genuine empathetic and caring nature.